Three brand-spankin' new books arrived today. Two of which challenge notions of humanity:
Braden R. Allenby and Daniel Sarewitz (2011) The Techno-Human Condition. MIT Press.
Dominic Pettman (2011) Human Error: Species-Being and Media Machines. University of Minnesota Press.
Both of which look to be quite lively, interesting reads. Really wish I could set everything aside this weekend and read, but that's not going to happen.
The third book just appeared in my mailbox (which is always a nice thing). Gabriel Tarde on Communication and Social Influence: Selected Papers. Edited by Terry Clark.University of Chicago Press, 2010 (originally published 1969). I'm not really familiar with Tarde, except that Latour in Reassembling the Social returns to Tarde quite a bit.
4 days ago