My book, co-edited with Hille Koskela at the University of Finland, is now out! New Visualities, New Technologies: The New Ecstasy of Communication. Ashgate.
Contents: Introduction: ecstatic assemblages of visuality, J. Macgregor Wise; Ecstatic updates: Facebook, identity and the fractal subject, Mark Nunes; Mapping Narbs, Ananda Mitra; Will the real digital girl please stand up?: examining the gap between policy dialogue and girls’ accounts of their digital existence, Jane Bailey and Valerie Steeves; Vision, inertia, and the mobile telephone: on the origins of control space and the spread of sociopolitical cybernetics, John Armitage; 'Right to the image’: images of dignity, representations of humiliation, Hille Koskela; Frames of discontent: social media, mobile intimacy, and the boundaries of media practice, Larissa Hjorth; Creativity on display? Visibility conflicts or the claim for opacity as ethical resource, Ursula Anna Frohne; Performative pictures: camera phones at the ready, Brooke A. Knight; Mobile snapshots: pictorial communication in the age of tertiary orality, Dong-Hoo Lee; Sex, spectatorship, and the ‘Neda’ video: a biopsy, Theresa M. Senft; Index.
4 days ago