Sarah Kember and Joanna Zylinska, Life After New Media:
Mediation as a Vital Process
Wendy Hui Kyong Chun, Programmed Visions: Software and
Rob Shields and Eric Vallee, Demystifying Deleuze: An
Introductory Assemblage of Crucial Concepts
Stanislaw Lem (trans J. Zylinska) Summa
Nikolas Rose and Joelle M Abi-Rached, Neuro: The New Brain
Sciences and the Management of the Mind
Ulrik Ekman (ed) Throughout: Art and Culture Emerging with
Ubiquitous Computing
Rich Ling, Taken for Grantedness: The Embedding of Mobile
Communication Into Society [Just set this as one of the texts for my fall grad class in Comm and Tech]
Cara Wallis, Technomobility in China
I should give more information, like publishers, summaries, and such, but I ain't got time.