Courtesy of a trip to the National Communication Association conference in Washington. DC. Some new books.
Andre Jansson and Miyase Christensen (2014) Media, Surveillance, and Identity: Social Perspectives. Peter Lang. A great collection, deals with social media, politics, consumerism, etc. Nice pieces by David Lyon on the culture of surveillance, Mark Andrejevic on debt, Lee Humphreys on social networks and surveillance, ad many others.
William G. Staples (2014). Everyday Surveillance: Vigilance and Visibility in Postmodern Life (2nd edition). Rowman and Littlefield. An extensive update of a key text for surveillance studies. Looking forward to reading it.
Katrin Weller, Axel Bruns, Jean Burgess, Merja Mahrt, Cornelius Puschmann (eds) (2014) Twitter and Society. Peter Lang. Aims to be "the" book on Twitter studies and really does encompass the range of research. Nice use of Paul Klee's Twittering Machine on the cover!
Ethan Thomson and Jason Mittell (eds) (2013) How to Watch Television. NYU Press. Nice, useful collection of critical perspectives and issues, each done in a short chapter focusing on a different TV show.
Must find other things to blog about besides book acquisitions.
In the meantime, there it is.
4 days ago
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