Monday, August 18, 2008

Bye-Bye College of Human Services

ASU's restructuring again. We (department of comm studies) are moving to the New College of Arts and Sciences. Arizona Republic's article here. ASU's official announcement here (which doesn't actually mention that the college is going away entirely, I don't think).


Anonymous said...

I have a dim recollection of that CHS arrangement being good for your department. Looks like it's doing plenty of damage already--is the department likely to be affected in other ways besides a new dean?

Greg Wise said...

Well, we will no longer have our own Chair, but will be part of a division (Social and Behavioral Sciences). We're going to be a fairly large addition (2nd largest major in the division), which is to our advantage. Being in an Arts and Sciences College will mean any number of new connections and collaborations with colleagues in American Studies, Sociology, Poli Sci, Anthro, and other units. There are a number of folks doing critical social theory, there's work on globalization (e.g., see Jeff Juris's brand new book from Duke UP on the anti-globalization movement), etc.

But at this point it's still early--it was only Monday that this was announced. There are curricular questions, P&T questions, administration questions, all still out there. We're pretty sure we're moving offices next summer, though.